Commercial Floor Mats

Posted by Vicky Noone on

Commercial floor mats come in a variety of styles and options, but the need for them is consistent. The mats ensure cleanliness, they stop water and dirt ingress and in doing so make any environment safer.

The commercial floor mats also add an extra air of professionalism, they can be a marketing tool and they demonstrate that attention to detail is observed.

You don’t need to be an expert in commercial floor mats - leave that to us - but you do want a mat that is suitable for purpose.

At Mat Creations, we have commercial mats for every type of business and setting, every environment and every level of footfall. 

Please take the guesswork out of your need for matting and contact us instead. One obligation-free conversation will ensure you have a mat or mats that are in-tune with your needs and guaranteed to last for many years. 

The mats also won’t break the bank - quite the opposite in fact. The cheapest, basic rubber mats cost from a little over £20, yet this still with a lengthy guarantee, and features such as being anti-slip and UV resistant.

The Premium Entrance Mat - these able to cope with a high level of dirt and water - cost from just over £40.

Printed mats are incredibly popular too. Through HD printing, any logo or artwork can be faithfully recreated, this transforming the mat from something that is useful into something that is also an enhancement to your brand. In a shopping mall setting for instance, it helps you to stand out from the crowd.

Commercial Floor Mats - Huge Range of Options

As you would expect of leading mat specialists, we have a wide range of mats that are suitable for commercial settings. The truth is that in a web page, we cannot say with certainty which is best for your business or enterprise, and if we were to list every different style and option this page would become enormous - and perhaps a little dull.

There are many options for rubber mats, there are also fibre mats, Coir mats and brush mats. We stock the Obex Forma Indoor System,and indeed their outdoor system. 

Comfort mats are available, these for where people have to stand for a length of time, reducing back injury and other aches and pains.

The mats come in a number of size options and we can also go fully bespoke. It is also possible to have printing across a number of mats, for example a range of options split across several mats that cover much of the reception area.

By all means browse the mat options on this site - there are full details for cost, guarantees and how to care for mats, but also do get in touch.

A simple conversation or email exchange can save so much time and uncertainty. We spend our days matching clients to the mats they need, and so by asking a few simple questions we can ensure that you too have the mat that is perfect for your setting.

Why Have Commercial Mats

Commercial mats have a range of benefits.

They make the area safer, stopping ingress of dirt and water which can be a slip hazard. Quite apart from this ensuring people stay safe it also ensures you won’t be facing litigation should someone slip when you have not taken reasonable grounds to prevent this occurrence.

The mats also ensure the area nearby remains clean, tidy and presentable. An entrance area that is dirty and seeming uncared for will not create a good impression of the business or building owner.

Commercial mats can also convey information, whether this opening hours, details of offers or any other message.

In truth, commercial mats are a must-have, you can’t hope to have an area with reasonable footfall and keep it well presented and yet have no mat. They are an item that you may not notice, but you notice their absence in that everything else becomes that bit worse, dirtier, untidier, more slippery.

Mats also serve to keep cleaning bills down and they can even extend the life of expensive flooring - wooden flooring will last far longer if it is not exposed to dampness.

But if having some form of mat is essential, why go for high quality commercial mats?

These mats do their job perfectly, but they also add a visual element. They can be fully printed in HD, with pantone matching, or they can use a subtle range of colours in an option such as a Coir mat.

The mat becomes a marketing or brand awareness tool, on entering people naturally look down at the mat and so you have their attention. Why waste this opportunity?

A professional commercial mat speaks of attention to detail, it subconsciously shows that every decision is given thought. If even the mat is chosen with care, what does this say of the organosation’s overall ethos.

Commercial Mat Samples

We want you to get the perfect mat for your needs, we want the mat to last - and this is why we 

are able to offer guarantees that last many years.

To aid in this decision making, we are happy to provide free samples. Please simply contact us to discuss this option, or to chat through your requirements for commercial matting.

We have thrived through word of mouth recommendation and repeat business, becoming the go-to source for commercial mats for businesses of all sizes across the UK.

Please contact us today for an obligation-free chat.

About Mat Creations


At Mat Creations, we have a huge range of mats of all types and can work with your brand to create a high quality finished product.

We would be happy to provide further advice and give an obligation free quote should that be of use.

Please contact us by calling 0161 320 3637, emailing or sending an enquiry via our Contact Form.

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